Cancer Systems Microscopy
Imaging-based system biology for precision cancer medicine
The Cancer Systems Microscopy Lab aims to contribute to improved cancer treatment outcomes by advancing:
Precision Diagnostics; using a unique suite of imaging-based methods for diagnosis of cancer-drivers in individual patients, enabling precision use of existing targeted therapies
Targeted Therapies; via a novel high-content strategy for discovery and diversification of cancer therapy leads, supporting accelerated development of new targeted therapies
Fundamental Insights; deploying multidisciplinary methods to analyse core mechanisms underpinning cancer progression, finding new vulnerabilities in human cancer
This builds on pioneering efforts in the development and application of Systems Microscopy - an imaging-based strategy designed to replicate the scalability, reproducibility and quantitative rigour of existing single cell systems biology (‘Omics’) techniques. As well as incorporating the critical dimensions of space and time into molecular analyses of cellular regulation and function, Systems Microscopy leverages the high signal-to-noise characteristics of (immuno)-fluorescence imaging to provide a powerful alternative / complement to current gold-standard strategies for precision medicine.
Enhanced understanding, diagnosis & treatment of cancer via Systems Microscopy